
The conference itself will be a very fine balance between people who know
so much they can be considered a national threat and those who are
terminally curious and never know when to stop asking questions. Look for
lots of talk on how to secure your privacy through encryption and what the
governments of the world are doing to stop you.
New forms of communication
such as GSM phones will also be thoroughly explored. The future of credit
cards and the transformation to chip cards is something a great many of us
take an interest in. And, for many, the topic of just what is a hacker
will be an educational experience.
If you're not a hacker, prepare to have
a lot of myths dispelled. In particular, we will have a media panel where
the tables will be turned. The hackers will question the reporters. And,
to make the media circus even more complete, expect a thorough
demonstration of what pirate radio is all about and how the tables can be
In addition, there will be a live broadcast of the hacker radio
show "Off The Hook" from the conference site beamed out to the entire New
York metropolitan area in which attendees can participate.
The just-about-finalized list of Panels:
In Central Park
Thursday, 8:00 pm
We're pleased as punch that we could find a way to get Garth Brooks into the program. When he first came to us asking to be included, we just didn't have any space or time over at the Puck Building. It took a lot of phone calls and favors that we'll be pa
ying back for years, but we were able to get Garth a spot on the Great Lawn in Central Park on Thursday night. This concert is FREE and is ONLY FOR HACKERS although it's possible some others may come by. Let's show Garth some support as he's done so much
for the hacker community over the years.
Open to attendees
Friday, 6:00 pm
As we kick off the conference, we thought it would be only right to take questions from the various members of the press who will be in attendance. This will also be the time where we will be announcing things too shocking to be printed here. It's a good
opportunity for all of us to meet the people who will be covering the conference and to dispel all those myths and rumors that seem to follow us around the planet.
The place to see some really neat shit
Friday, 7:00 pm
We'll have a huge LCD projector, a kickass sound system, and a 10 megabit connection to the net. For those of you who have never surfed the web before, and even for those who have, this is a really cool way to see just what's out there.
Your favorite 2600 staffers
Friday, 9:00 pm
Since this whole thing is being thrown together by 2600 and friends, we thought it would be nice to have a panel dedicated to the zine, what has happened over the years, where 2600 is going, and what could be done better. This is your chance to ask whatev
er questions you've had festering over the past 13 years.
Bring your favorites!
Friday, 10:00 pm
We've got the video projector and the sound system - now we're gathering together all the hacker related videos we can get our hands on. There have been so many interesting and sometimes pathetic things that have ben produced over the years. We'll show so
me hacker produced videos as well as non-hacker produced videos about hackers. Plus more. Confused? Enjoy it.
Brock Meeks
Saturday, 12:00 noon
In this age of heightened awareness about security and hacking, where
have all the good hacks gone? Too many are claiming the title "hacker"
when they are no more than snot-nosed wannabe posers. Or worse, downright
petty criminals, as was witnessed at Defcon when people were trying
to pass counterfeit bills and bad counterfeit bills at that. Brock will
talk about where hackers have come from, where they've gone, and where
they should head into the new millenium.
Chris Nichols, Laura Brown, Steve Lutz, Phiber Optik
Saturday, 1:00 pm
What are the implications when hacking becomes legal? Over the years, major companies have learned to rely on the expertise of the same people they once tried to prosecute. Hear some interesting stories about what has happened in this weird marriage of tw
o cultures. And decide for yourself what kind of effect this will have on the future of hacking.
Private Investigator Steven Rambam
Saturday, 2:00 pm
There is so much information available on all of us, but most of it is
only accessible to governments and to major companies/big business. In
this session, the hackers will "level the playing field" and access data
that is not restricted, but is rather... expensive. Or just plain hidden.
There will also be a discussion on just how much info is out there,
including such categorization as religion, health, sexual preference, etc.
THE l0pht
Brian Oblivion, Weld Pond, Kingpin, Mudge, Space Rogue, Tan, and Stefan.
Saturday, 3:00 pm
This, incidentally, is the ENTIRE l0pht lineup all in one place at one time!
They will be talking about recent projects and accomplishments, not the
least of which will be their adventures with Windows NT and why Microsoft
would like to see them shot. Look for some new projects to be introduced
and for a discussion of emerging trends and shortcomings in the
technologies that are backing them. This will be followed by a Q/A session.
[This panel will be linked to the HIP conference.]
Bruce Schneier
Saturday, 4:00 pm
From encryption to digital signatures to electronic commerce to secure
voting - cryptography has become the enabling technology that allows us to
take existing business and social constructs and move them to computer
networks. But a lot of cryptography is bad, and the problem with bad
cryptography is that it looks just like good cryptography; most people
cannot tell the difference. Security is a chain: only as strong as the
weakest link. In this talk Bruce will take a look at the future of
cryptography: the needs, the threats, the limits of technology, and the
promise of the future.
[This panel will be linked to the HIP conference.]
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Did you ever watch a news story about hackers on television where ALL
of the facts are wrong? Did you ever read a newspaper article that just
seemed to miss the point entirely? Don't you find it frustrating how
you never get the opportunity to grill the people responsible? Well...
you may want to be at this panel. We think it'll make you feel a whole
lot better. No weapons allowed.
Anyone and everyone
Saturday, 6:00 pm
We'll have several of these throughout the conference, some scheduled and
some last minute. You can register to speak out with one of our friendly
Open Mike Registration (OMR) staffpeople.
Emmanuel Goldstein, Phiber Optik, and more!
Saturday, 6:30 pm
A special two hour live broadcast from the conference to the entire
tri-state area. "Off The Hook" airs weekly on WBAI 99.5 FM and has
gotten a very diverse audience over the years. This show will obviously
be different than most since there aren't usually hundreds of people
in the studio like there will be here. There will be all kinds of
special guests and surprises, most of which we probably won't even
be expecting. We hope to link this show to the HIP conference and have
it available live over the mbone and real audio to make this the
largest hacker broadcast ever.
Anyone and everyone
Saturday, 8:30 pm
Yep, it's another one of those open mike sessions. More of these will pop up on a last minute schedule change type of thing. You can register to speak out with one of our friendly
Open Mike Registration (OMR) staffpeople.
Steal This Radio staff, Lazlow of the Techno-File Radio Network
Saturday, 9:00 pm
What does pirate radio have to do with hacking? Are you SERIOUS?! Come
on, don't be stupid. First off, it's wrong to call micro-broadcasters
pirates. If anyone's a pirate, it's those megacorporations who take
over the airwaves and dictate what it is that we watch and what kind
of music we listen to. But it's our own fault, for standing by and
watching it happen. Tonight you can begin to change. Meet the people
from "Steal This Radio", a low power operation eminating from somewhere
in the neighborhood. This station has no censorship, lots of interesting
and diverse programs, and a growing audience. And there are more of
these stations popping up on the dial all over the country. Learn how
it's done and hear firsthand how commercial broadcasting operates.
Ira Winkler
Saturday, 10:00 pm
A talk on how and where the hacker and criminal communities intersect.
This presentation will also address what basic skills a "real hacker"
would have. Highlighting this topic will be an "Are You Clueless?" test.
Phiber Optik, t0m from England
Saturday, 11:00 pm
One of the newest hacker toys is the GSM phone, which has been around
in Europe for quite some time and has just being introduced in this
country fairly recently with companies like Omnipoint and Sprint Spectrum.
We'll show the capabilities and potential weaknesses of these phones
and compare the different systems that exist throughout the world. Learn
about the future of telecommunications from the people who will help
to shape it.
Red Balaclava
Sunday, 12:00 noon
The mystery transit employee who appeared at the original Hackers On Planet
Earth conference in 1994 returns (via ISDN) to talk about the easily hackable
but ingeniously self-correcting payment method of New York City's subways
and buses. We will also discuss the subtle - and possibly increasing -
dangers of the Transit Authority's ability to trace YOUR travels via
Cheshire Catalyst
Sunday, 1:00 pm
A discussion and demonstration on how to achieve Internet access
using simple text-only computer terminals and web browsers
to access information on the World Wide Web. While you don't get all the
graphics and whiz-bang, you CAN get basic information, download files,
images and software for later perusal, and you DON'T need a Windows
machine to do all this! Webmasters will be given tips on making their
pages more accessible to these users.
Shabbir Safdar
Sunday, 2:00 pm
There has been much movement recently involving dangerously vague legislation aimed against hackers and, not coincidentally, against privacy.
There are some really scary and little known details that may surprise the hell out of you.
Hear firsthand how the legislators' ignorance of technology and desire to control the masses could make your life a living hell.
Find out what you can do now to help shape pending laws on cryptography, privacy, free speech and even owning a computer.
Assorted panelists
Sunday, 3:00 pm
Cult of the Dead Cow is the oldest active group in
the hacker underground (around since 1984), and they've got a little bit to say about the impact
of the Internet on the world around us.
From Chinese dissidents to our own political activists, the underdogs finally
have an advantage over the Goliath of Big Brother.... The times they are a
changin'. 1997 is the Year of the Cow, and cDc is your only hope for
Live from Holland
Sunday, 4:00 pm
While there are many advantages to living in Holland, one of the big
disadvantages is the fact that their conference ends earlier than ours
because of that time difference thing. We don't know what kind of
shape they'll be in by the time we wind up finishing but we'll be wide
awake for their grand finale. This will be a live broadcast from the
Dutch campground and will include a summation of what went on during
this historic weekend.
Sunday, 5:00 pm
One of the panels we had the most fun with at the first HOPE was the
Social Engineering seminar. We expect to have at least as much fun this
time as hackers attempt to demonstrate live just what it means to get
unauthorized information out of a human being. No matter how advanced
and secure our networks and systems become, this is one form of hacking
that can never die. At least, not until there are no more people.
Phiber Optik, surprise guests
Sunday, 7:00 pm
One of the sadder aspects of the hacker world is the growing number of
hacker prisoners. Some victims of this will describe their experiences
and what kinds of tricks the government plays on naive young people. If
you want to be a hacker who stays out of jail, it might be good to sit
in on this one. If you're interested in things that go on in our
nation's prisons, prepare to have your eyes opened.
Attorney Donald Randolph
Sunday, 8:00 pm
For more than two and a half years, Kevin Mitnick has been held in a
prison by the U.S. government. And during this whole time, all kinds of
mistruths and fictions have been uttered by the prosecution, echoed
by the media, and believed by the public. On this panel, Mitnick's lawyer (Donald Randolph) will help set the record straight and provide some little known details on what has happened so far.
Find out who Kevin Mitnick is and who he isn't.
Sunday, 10:00 pm
"The most beloved, the most hated, and the most respected hacking
group of all time" (r00t description of themselves) will discuss their history, their evil deeds,
and their many uses of silly putty. Your one and only chance to
see a real live hacking group yet to narq out themselves.
They're all a bunch of idiots, but they own you.
The Grand Finale
Sunday, 11:00 pm
About eight hours after the HIP conference in Holland ends, it'll be our
turn to pull the plugs. This may take a while.
A note from Cheshire Catalyst:
The TAP Reunion, a meeting of the staff, hangers-on, and even some adoring
fans who've shown an interest, will be held on the evening of Saturday
August 9 at 9 PM EDT. The get-together will be held at Eddies, 14 Waverly
Place between Washington Sq and Broadway. This is a bit of a hike from the
Puck Building, but not too bad - certainly not worth a cab or bus. If you
don't know to wear good walking shoes to New York City, then THIS is your
First Warning!
Eddie's was one of the places where TAP regulars (and irregulars) would
gather on Friday nights over burgers & cokes. Besides being one of the few
places in NYC we frequented that's still open, it's actually large enough
to hold the crowd I expect will show up. And a Saturday night in August
should be pretty slow! See
You never expected fast service at Eddie's anyway.
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